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Are you looking for precise, high-quality, but affordable treatment from professionals?

Look no further!

Endodent Hungary is the perfect place abroad for microscopic root canal treatment. a Móricz Zsigmond körtéren várjuk kedves betegeinket mikroszkópos gyökérkezeléssel és CBCT 3D röntgendiagnosztikával!

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The door of our clinic is always open!


1114, Budapest Villányi út 1.


+36 20 354 5599



Our services

Root canal treatment with microscope

Using microscopic technology, narrow root canals with individual anatomy, hidden extra canals and cracks inside the root can be precisely identified. Guide to the treatment. When the tooth is severely damaged but it is possible to save it that is when the root canal tretament is necessary.

3D CBCT diagnosis

In 2019, the top device of the Mayray company, the Hyperion X9 Pro, was put into practice in our clinic. Why is it important to see the teeth in 3D? It makes more efficient for us to quickly detect and diagnose inflammation in the oral cavity.

Our philosophy


An important word that can be found under the letter H of the dictionary of foreign words: "The method of treatment that takes into account the mental, physical and social condition of the patient." Holistic. For us, the other meaning of the word has greater significance: "Striving for wholeness, completeness, the whole.


For us, it is important to cure our patient's complaint by taking into account the whole organism, so that we get the most out of the given situation, keeping in mind the function and aesthetics of the dental problem.